Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Job

Add a new job to pregnancy and life with a toddler and I am wondering if I have taken leave of my senses.

I started working with Georgetown University's Midwifery department last week. I am the clinical site visitor, which means I will spend my time wrangling the schedules of 13 students ad trying to visit them all at their clinical sites before the semester ends. This wouldn't be nearly so difficult if I didn't start the job 4 weeks before the semester ends and one of those weeks is Thanksgiving so no Thursday or Friday clinicals. Then I have students hemming and hawing about which days I come because they don't like who they are with on the day that I will observe, or their schedule changes every week and they don't know what that schedule will be until the week before. I am pulling my hair out. I haven't napped in days! I am hoping the next semesters will not be so bad because I will be there from the beginning and part of the planning. This sucks though.

It will be good to be in the adult world again for a few days a week. We found a nanny for Emma who is pretty flexible with her schedule and it seems to be working out. Emma is happy with her and that's all that really matters.

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