I have been struggling with the decision to continue working part time (which is usually 3 days a week) or to be a full time stay at home mom ever since returning to work in June. After a lot of soul searching and discussion with just about every woman I know, I have decided to stay home with Emma. She is going to be small for such a short time, I don't want to miss any of it. She is teething already and is 14lbs 13oz at 5 months. I can't believe how fast the time is flying. It seems like yesterday she first smiled at me, and now she is laughing up a storm. I am having such a good time with her. We love to sing and dance and play together. When I am at work, all I can think about is being home with her, and when I am home and have to work the next day, all I can think about is how much I don't want to leave her. Our day care is fine, but I just miss her. Financially, we should be fine. With day care costs, my salary barely brings home much extra. If things do get tight, Shawn's boss will let him do a couple hours of over time. I don't want him to have to do that, but it is nice to know there is that option. My boss also said that she would love to have me per diem a few days a month, if she could create that position. It would be great to be able to keep my hands in clinical practice a little bit.
I am just so glad the decision is made! I've been debating for so long, it's good to be done. Of course I had to give 2 months notice (better than the 4 months from my last job!) so I still have a lot of time.
Now I have to get moving on finding some mom's groups/activities to join so I don't get bored out of my gourd after the novelty wears off.
Gasp! Oh Anne, congrats on having made the decision, it sounds like a hard one. But you're right, she's only a baby once, and work will always be available.
And, ummm thanks for the head's up... I'm on it! :o)
You might like this blog, I enjoyed the hiking post and the post about the wine dinner:
So proud of you! This is a brave decision and I think it is the right one. Love you!
Congratulations on making a very hard but brave decision. You won't regret your moments with your babe, not one - I promise!
I'm behind you 100%!
I'm really proud of you and happy for you!
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