Can you believe that Emma is 6 months old?
I can't. The time has flown by. I knew it would, but knowing it would and actually experiencing it are two different things. We gave her rice cereal last night for the first time. She didn't seem to care too much, but Shawn gave her more this morning and she enjoyed it. I made my own and am very proud. I ground brown rice in the blender and it cooks up just like cream of wheat. I really want the Williams Sonoma Cooking For Baby cookbook, and I think I am going to splurge the $20 the next time I'm at the mall. Since my breast milk will not be her only source of nutrition anymore, I like being in control of what foods she eats. I bought a little food mill to grind up stuff, so it should be pretty easy.

This next phase is going to be exciting. She is sitting up tripod style a lot, and hands free a little bit. She rolls over onto her tummy, and has gone to her back a few times, just not all that coordinated. We bought her an excersaucer and she LOVES it. We put her in one to sample at Babies R Us and she literally dove for the toys. My house is slowly getting more and more primary colored decor.

My climbing is slowly getting back on tract. We went camping at Cooper's Rock again a few weeks ago and I was able to repeat two V2s. I did a V3 in the gym today. Considering I was pretty solid in the V4s before I got pregnant, I still have a ways to go. We are going to go camping and climbing again next weekend and hopefully I'll be able to get an outdoor V3. Emma seems to do fine camping. It was a little chilly at night last time, but Kitty gave us a sheepskin so I'll put that on top of our air mattress underneath her and I think it will be fine.

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