Monday, March 16, 2009

My water broke!

Just as I was starting to get anxious about being 40 weeks and 4 days, my water broke this evening. I had really hoped to be in good active labor before that happened, but with the barometric pressure today, I didn't stand a chance. I was lamenting the weather and wanting my Spring baby when I pulled up to the house after a difficult prenatal yoga session, and saw the blossoms on the Bradford Pear's just starting to open. I stopped dead in my driveway and said, "My baby is coming!" and then in true prego fashion, burst into tears. I was home for maybe half an hour and started journaling a little. There was a birthing book I wanted to look at upstairs in the baby's room. When I was about 3 steps into the room, I felt a gush of fluid, clamped my legs together, and shuffled into the bathroom to sit on the toilet. Luckily Shawn came home about 5 minutes later and was able to rescue me with a wet washcloth and some Depends. I called the midwife and am waiting for good active labor. I tried to sleep a little bit, but laying in bed makes the contractions worse. I am much more comfortable sitting on the birthing ball (also known as an exercise ball for those in the regular world.) I am going to try to sleep leaning on the bed while sitting on the ball now. I am hoping for a good labor and birth, I am just a little sorry that it is going to take a heck of a lot longer than I had hoped. Next post will be my birth announcement! I can't believe I'm going to be a mom so soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! So I am reading this on Wednesday night which makes me believe your baby is now here!!!! You look amazing in all your prenatal pictures. I hope your labor and birth went smoothly and that you are snuggling with your new little one.