So a few weeks ago, I thought I might have felt some movement, but it is really real now! This kid is very active and especially likes it when mommy eats :) At first, I could only feel it at night when I was going to sleep and totally paying attention, now it startles me throughout the day. I love it! We had our sonogram yesterday and that was really cool. We are not going to find out the sex so our sonographer told us to look away when she was heading down the torso. Watching our baby move around and swallow amniotic fluid was amazing. S/he had his/her hands in front of the face and then was sucking on the heel of the palm of the hand. It was super cute. Then we got an awesome 3D image of the face. Our baby has Shawn's forehead and the cutest little button nose. Medically speaking, everything looked good for the baby, no cleft lip or palate, the spine is perfect and all that stuff. I do have a low lying placenta, which is not uncommon at this stage in pregnancy. It is far enough away from the cervix not to cause a problem right now, but we'll probably have a follow up sono in a few months to make sure that it has migrated away from the cervix so as not to interfere with childbirth. At least that's what I would do if I were managing me, but I'm not, so we'll see what my midwives say at my next visit later in November.

We are looking into childcare now and boy is it expensive. It's hard because we obviously want what is best for our baby, but realistically, all we need for the first few months is a place to keep him/her safe. Does a 3 month old really need a stimulating Goddard School curriculum 3 days a week? I don't know. There is much to be done and March is fast approaching. We did a little more work on the nursery today, there is only one piece of furniture from the office left in there.

Peru was fantastic, but I couldn't keep track of where we had been or were going while we were there let alone a week after we got home. I will direct you to Shawn's blog (
smseifert.blogspot.com) for a run down of our trip and great photos at
smseifert.zenfolio.com. I am proud to say that I contributed more of my photographic skills this time around and there are more pictures of Shawn than usual.
EEEEEE!!!! I am SO EXITED for you I can't stop grinning!!! EEEE! :D
Thanks for your photos and I love you both!!!
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