Thursday, November 19, 2009

A day in the life of a stay at home mommy

I have been a stay at home mommy now for just about 3 weeks and I am so very happy. It is so nice to be here with Emma and watch her grow. She is rolling around like crazy now, sitting well, and babbling up a storm. She especially likes saying da-da-da-da-da-da-da and squealing in a lovely high pitched voice. The acorn squash made her break out in hives, so no more squash for Emma. She is enjoying apples, but did not like the avocados. What kind of daughter of mine loves zucchini and sweet potatoes, but hates avocado? I don't understand.

We have a pretty good routine established. She wakes to eat around 5am, and Shawn brings her to bed. We go back to sleep until 7, get up and dressed, then go downstairs for breakfast. I have toast and hot chocolate milk and Emma has the new food of the week.

We play until 9 when she goes down for her morning nap. I get stuff done, including showering and getting dressed until she wakes between 10-11. Then we eat and do whatever errands need to be done and/or play some more.

She's back down for a nap around 2-3 for another 1-2 hours. Shawn comes home and we spend time together, eat, play, and watch some tv.

Emma gets a bath and we get her in bed around 7. If it's a good night, she stays down until midnight then 5 and we start all over!

We have been to a play date, lunch with another mommy and baby 3 times, and a baby/toddler jam session. The play date was great because Amy has a 2 year old and an 8 month old so it's nice to have someone with a baby the same age as me. I met this other mom, Chris at the mall and we hit it off pretty well so have been having weekly lunch dates since I stopped working. Her son is 5 months old and it's fun to tell her what to expect in the upcoming weeks. The baby jam session was disappointing. The music was super fun, there was a guitar and sax and percussion instruments for the kids and we all sang songs. The mommies, however were not friendly at all. It was like they all knew each other and were not interested in expanding their circle to include Emma and I. I kept trying to talk to people and I would get short answers and no reciprocation. It was very high school. We'll try again at the next session in a few weeks, maybe it will be better. Even if it's not, singing Down by the Bay with a sax solo interlude is fantastic!

So far, I haven't missed work at all. I miss having entertaining stories at the dinner table, but not the work itself. I have been busy enough with other adults, and Shawn has been pretty good. I am bad at pouncing on Shawn as soon as he gets home and not giving him enough time to settle in so I am working on that. I think I will try to take Emma to one of the clinics next week to show her off a little bit and remind my good friends that I haven't forgotten them.

Here are some Halloween pictures of Emma as a ladybug and Shawn and I as flowers.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I'm glad you're enjoying your time with precious Emma. It sounds like a lot of work, but also like a lot of fun. Miss you guys!