She smiled at me the other morning. As she was waking, I said good morning, and she gave me a big smile. I don't know if they are supposed to be smiling yet, but it sure looked like she did. Aside from having a cold and not being able to get better because I am constantly caring for Emma, things are going well. I am getting more confident in my mothering skills, and am absolutely in love with my little girl. She is focusing on my face really well, I get lost in her eyes. And when she falls asleep curled up on my chest, I don't care that there are a million things I could be doing while she sleeps.

Look at my little crazy haired girl :)
I love the new lazy weekend! Our little family is awesome and I just want to spend time together. Mmmmmm. Blueberry pancakes!
Look how big she's gotten! Glad to hear things are good after your rough start! Meghann
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