This is Roxann having guessed how big around my belly was within about 3 millimeters!
My friend Kathy is hopefully going to come over sometime next week and do a belly cast for me. Next Saturday Shawn has a spa day scheduled for a prenatal massage, a facial, and a pedicure. I can't wait!
I am in full blown nesting mode now. You should have seen the frenzied house cleaning that went on yesterday. I had the sudden urge to wash all the blankets, including my down comforter. I was also on hands and knees swifiting under the beds, and organizing all the closets in the house. It's a little bit crazy. Now that we actually have baby clothes, we need to wash them and find them homes in the nursery. That's on my to do list today, but I did so much yesterday that I have just been resting all day. I will muster up some energy to go to prenatal yoga tonight though. Gotta try to stay somewhat fit. I can't wait to be able to climb again.
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