The snow is starting to stick pretty well now. The tree branches are covered in snow and the wind is blowing the snow in all directions. I was able to go grocery shopping last night (along with everyone else in Laurel) so we have enough food in case we get snowed in. The predictions are anywhere from 6-12 inches, to 12-36 inches. Luckily Shawn made it home from work just fine and we are ready to hunker down for the weekend.
Emma's development has exploded! She is creeping on the hardwood floors and tiles, and crawling on the carpet. Her little knees slide out from under her on the wood floors. She is pulling herself up on the furniture and starting to cruise a little. She is pointing at things she wants to talk about, and pulling things out of things. Her new favorite game is emptying the diaper bag as fast as she can. She also likes to empty the laundry basket, her toy basket, and the pantry. Nap/bedtimes are times for mommy to put everything back where it belongs so she can do it all over again when she wakes up. Vocally, she's about the same. Lots of babbling and squealing.
We are having a good time. I am so glad I am home with her.