Yesterday we went to Brampton to celebrate Thanksgiving with Katrina and Randolph, his parent's Jane and Shack, and his grandmother Josephine. It was very pleasant. I made apple and pumpkin pies on Tuesday and we drove down to Orange, VA at 8am. We spent the day cooking and and talking. Since Katrina is in Minneapolis now, it was great to spend so much time together. One always has the best conversations in the kitchen! Dinner was fabulous starting with butternut squash soup and salad, then on to turkey brined overnight in many herbs and spices, mashed potatoes, stuffing (not stuffed in the bird so no salmonella,) gravy, acorn squash, spinach casserole, cranberry sauce and rolls.
Although I miss my own family, it was nice to be so welcomed at the Shackelfords. Unfortunately, Shawn has to work today so we were unable to stay the night at Brampton and hike. Hopefully it will be a slow day and he'll get to come home early.