Genevieve Paige's birth story
Our birth was wonderful and nothing like I planned! We had been planing a home birth with M.A.M.A.S midwifery since the moment I got pregnant. I had been diligent about my prenatal care, my birth kit had been packed since 36 weeks, the back-up plan was typed up with all hospital phone numbers handy, I was ready.
On Easter Sunday, my water broke at 5:25am. I was in bed, felt a little bit of pressure, thought I should go sit on the toilet just in case, but instead just moved the pillows from between my legs. It wasn't a super lot, but there was enough vernix in it that I knew what it was. I listened to the baby's heartbeat, and all was well. About 20 minutes later, I started having very mild contractions about every 5 minutes or so. I sent Shawn downstairs to prep for Easter brunch, which I still thought I would have time to host. (Such a dumbass!) I stayed in bed and tried to snooze some more. I did my hypnobirthing relaxation scripts for a while and contractions continued to come every 5-7 minutes. They weren't really intense, so I pretty much ignored them. I took a shower, then Shawn stated working on filling the tub. It got halfway full before the hot water ran out. I called the Erin, the midwife at 7:10 to let her know that I would be needing her later.
I didn't think things were going very quickly, so told her I'd call back in 2 hours. By 8:00, I was sitting on the birthing ball moaning like a cow and they were probably coming every 2-5 minutes, but I still didn't think it was time. It felt like they were really short, but it turns out they were lasting a full 60 secs. At one point, I said to myself, I don't think I can do this! Then I said, of course you can Anne, you ARE doing it. Then I laughed at myself and said, gee, it sounds like you're in transition...Naaa, it's only been an hour or so!
8:15 I had to poop, so I sat on the toilet and pooped away. Then I continued pooping with almost every contraction and couldn't get off the damm pot! Emma was a little worried about all the noises I was making, so Shawn brought her upstairs so she could see that I was ok. In between OOOOOOooooooooosssssssss, I said Mommy's ok honey, Mommy's ok. At 8:20, they were coming every 2-3 minutes and I knew we needed to call the midwife and that it was probably going to be too late. Shawn was downstairs because Emma was being needy and not chilling with her aunt, uncle and Lola and I couldn't get off the toilet to call Erin back! He finally came back and we called at 8:43.
At 8:50, I grunted with a contraction and felt the urge to push. I checked myself, and felt the head just inside my vagina. I knew we were on our own. I said, "Shawn, the baby's coming. Get Brooke!" Brooke is our neighbor who was helping out with Emma. She ran upstairs, I told her which stuff to bring in from the birth kit in the bedroom. Then I started pushing. I was protecting my perineum with my left hand, flexing the head with my right, and slowly delivered the head. Then I checked for a nuchal cord, (cord around the neck) actually said the words, "No nuchal cord," and Shawn and I delivered the shoulders. I pushed some more, and all four of our hands brought her to my chest. Brooke snapped photos the whole time, so we have the entire sequence. It's pretty awesome. Emma came upstairs a few moments later, met the baby, then went back down. I dried baby off, Brooke got me fresh towels, preped the bed, brought me a blue chux to tuck between my legs. I waddled to the bed with baby in my arms and the cord still attached to placenta between my legs. The Mairi and Erin arrived at 9:15, just in time to deliver the placenta and cut the cord. The midwives checked my bottom and I only had a couple of small tears that weren't bleeding, so we left them alone to heal on their own.
Emma got in the tub afterwards, so it wasn't a total waste of money. Just mostly :)

So that's my crazy birth story. Now we are well and working on breastfeeding. My nipples hurt, but otherwise we are okay. Emma is doing a pretty good job adjusting. She has some whiny moments, but otherwise is good.